"SHINee is back"
Hello! Welcome to my blog. I don't know what to wrote here, so I wrote this bunch of crap. My nickname is JJ. Stands for Jaja. I'm a 2012 PMR victim. Pray me for 8As. Amin.
★ Meet The Webmistress;
I'm the writer. Not the ghost.

“ A professor, lecturer and scientist to be. ”
Name : Siti Hajar Zainuddin
Nickname : Jaja
Date Of Birth : 14 March 1997
Hometown : Johor Darul Takzim
Stay : Johor Bahru
Hobby : Reading, writing, listening to K-Pop, blogging, watching tv
Ambition : Professor, Lecturer and Scientist [Anything related to chemistry]
Fav. Food : Fried chicken
Fav. Drink : Milo Ice, Chrysanthemum Tea and Ice Lemon Tea
Bestfriends : Shafinaz, Iffa, Ammar, Asyraf, Syabil
Status : In a relationship with Muhd Izzul Islam ♥
Bestfriend till the end. I love youuuu, Fynaz and Iffa ♥
Unecessary facts :
- Have been a first class student from standard one until now
- Weight 37kg and height 154cm
- Study in International Secondary School of Ulu Tiram [ISSUT]
- Love boys/mans that wearing spec and have a round, big eyes
- Fans of Manchester United, Barcelona and Lionel Messi (Y)
- Love Science and Mathematics since standard 4
- Kelas Rancangan Khas [KRK] student
- 5A's have past. Targeting 8A's and 10A's !
- In love with K-Pop since 2009
Important facts :
- She's in love with Super Junior's leader that is Park Jung-Soo a.k.a Leeteuk since August 4, 2011
- Have a group named JOJ, stand for Jaja Opah Jojo
- She's not Jo Twins. But J Twins
- She have made her own template at October 16, 2011
Likes :
- Photography
- Scarf/shawl
- K-Pop Music
- K-Pop Drama
- Koreans Culture
- Foods
Dislikes :
- Crazed Justin Bieber's fan
- Backstabber
- Liers
- Haters
- Copycats
- Fakers
- Spammer
- Out of food
★ My Bias
Super Junior - Leeteuk
MBLAQ - Seungho
SHINee - Choi MinHo
B2ST - Yang YoSeob
TVXQ - Max ChangMin
FT Island - Lee HongKi
JYJ - Kim Jaejoong
2PM - ChanSung
ZE:A - HeeChul
Teen Top - ChunJi
SS501 - Kim HyunJoong
Big Bang - G Dragon
U-Kiss - Kevin
CN Blue - JongHyun
Infinite - L
Block B - JaeHyo
B1A4 - Baro
Boyfriend - Kwangmin
2AM - Seulong
Dalmation - Daniel
2NE1 - CL
KARA - Nicole
T-Ara - Soyeon
Miss A - Min
After School - JooYeon
Brown Eyed Girls - Narsha
4Minute - Sohyun
Rainbow - JaeKyung
F(x) - Amber
Secret - Zinger
SISTAR - Hyorin
★ Tempahan Edit Blog for RM15;
Faster! Faster! RM15 only.
Who want me to edit their blog? Raise up your hands please. Hands up ! Yeayyy (Y) LOL -.-
Edit Blog :
Kalau nak suruh Jaja edit, boleh. Tapi Jaja hanya amek tempahan untuk DENIM OR WASHED DENIM sahaja. Edit blog neh RM10 sebab Jaja
buad lawa lawa tau. Cehh, hehe :3 Sebelum tuh, ade dua jenis denim neh. Satu terpisah dari sidebar satu bersambung. Kat bawah neh ade contoh.
Cube lahh tengok tengok yee? :>

Header :
Untuk header pulak, sama ade nak gmbr atau tak, just RM5. Murah kan? Kan? Well, sekarang Jaja nak buad header simple simple jek. Baru
comel broo, haha. Bawah neh semua header header yang pernah Jaja buad. Cubelah tengok ^^

Allright, sesiapa yang nak Jaja FULL EDIT blog dy, boleh. Tapi bayaran ialah RM15 sebab Jaja edit blog + header skali, hehe.
Actually dah more than twenty person, blog dy Jaja edit. Tapi malas nak link kan, hehe. Bayaran menggunakan topap hotlink. Korang beli
kad topap hotlink tuh, kat belakang dy gores and code dy bagy Jaja. Okayy? Sape nak berurusan dgn Jaja, sila add Jaja di facebook atau
twitter. Tapi Jaja suggest twitter sebab Jaja more into it, hihi. Tuh jek kot. Peaceeeee (Y) Xoxo, Jaja :>
★ KPop hwaiting!;
I'm one of the obsessive fans.
I ♥ KPop; SHINee, Super Junior, MBLAQ, Beast, Infinite, TVXQ, JYJ, Teen Top, BAP, Boyfriend, B1A4, SS501, U-Kiss, FT Island, CN Blue, 2PM, 2AM, Block B, Dalmatian, Big Bang, ZE:A, Exo,
T-Ara, 2NE1, SNSD, f(x), KARA, SISTAR, Miss A, After School, Rainbow, 4Minute, Brown Eyed Girls and more.
SHINee; Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, Key ▼
Super Junior; Kangin, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Siwon, Hangeng, Heechul, Donghae, Sungmin, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Shindong ▼
MBLAQ; Lee Joon, GO, Thunder, Mir, Seungho ▼
BEAST; Dongwoon, Yoseob, GiKwang, Junhyung, Doojoon, Hyunseung ▼
Infinite; Sungjong, Dongwoo, Sunggyu, L, Hoya, Woohyun, Sungyeol ▼
DBSK; Junsu, Yoochun, Jaejoong, Changmin, Yunho ▼
Teen Top; Ricky, L.Joe, Cap, Niel, Chunji, Changjo ▼
★ Cute Emoticon di Post
Thursday, March 17, 2011 | Written by : Jaja | 5 comments

Yawww ! Hajar smbung buad tutorial yee ! Tutorial neyy direquest oleh teyha . Ape yang telah dy request ? Macam byase, lihat di bawah ini yeee :

Haa, tuhh dy. Tutorial kali neyy Hajar takde pakai dekat blog Hajar. Coz Hajar neyy pengguna Google Chrome. Pengguna setiaa yaw ! Dan tuto ini juga, tak semua orang bule buadd. Pengguna Mozilla Firefox sahaja yang boleh gunakan. So, kalo yang buad dkt Google Chrome tp x jadi tuhh, jangan tanye Hajar, okayy ? Hajar dah bgtaw awal2 yawww. Sape yang takdee Mozilla Firefox, bole download di sini
Perhatian ! Hanya untuk Pengguna Mozilla Firefox SAHAJA !
1. Install Greasemonkey di sini dengan menekan button Add To Firefox yang berwarna hijau. Bila dah siap, korang restart balek korang pnye Mozilla Firefox.
2. Then, pergy ke sini untuk download emoticon2 yang korang nakk.
3. Korang bole search Emoticon For Blogger untuk mendapatkan emoticon yang sesuai.
4. Bila nak install, tekan button install yang warne hijau.
Pastikan korang menggunakan old editor di Blogger.
Blogger -> Settings -> Global Settings -> Old Editor -> Save

5. Bile korang buadd new post, emoticon yang di install automatic ade dkt new post seperti di atas neyy yee.
Bawah neyy antara script2 yang comel2 :
Credit : SyamiraLabels: tutorial
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★ Cute Emoticon di Post
Thursday, March 17, 2011 | Written by : Jaja | 5 comments

Yawww ! Hajar smbung buad tutorial yee ! Tutorial neyy direquest oleh teyha . Ape yang telah dy request ? Macam byase, lihat di bawah ini yeee :

Haa, tuhh dy. Tutorial kali neyy Hajar takde pakai dekat blog Hajar. Coz Hajar neyy pengguna Google Chrome. Pengguna setiaa yaw ! Dan tuto ini juga, tak semua orang bule buadd. Pengguna Mozilla Firefox sahaja yang boleh gunakan. So, kalo yang buad dkt Google Chrome tp x jadi tuhh, jangan tanye Hajar, okayy ? Hajar dah bgtaw awal2 yawww. Sape yang takdee Mozilla Firefox, bole download di sini
Perhatian ! Hanya untuk Pengguna Mozilla Firefox SAHAJA !
1. Install Greasemonkey di sini dengan menekan button Add To Firefox yang berwarna hijau. Bila dah siap, korang restart balek korang pnye Mozilla Firefox.
2. Then, pergy ke sini untuk download emoticon2 yang korang nakk.
3. Korang bole search Emoticon For Blogger untuk mendapatkan emoticon yang sesuai.
4. Bila nak install, tekan button install yang warne hijau.
Pastikan korang menggunakan old editor di Blogger.
Blogger -> Settings -> Global Settings -> Old Editor -> Save

5. Bile korang buadd new post, emoticon yang di install automatic ade dkt new post seperti di atas neyy yee.
Bawah neyy antara script2 yang comel2 :
Credit : SyamiraLabels: tutorial
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